Las Venturas Missions
This page contains walkthroughs of all of the Las Venturas missions in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. There are 19 story missions in total before the next section of the map is unlocked.
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The Triads
Fender Ketchup
Woozie introduces Carl to his new casino and explains the Mafia are making it extremely hard for a Triad casino to operate in their town. Their goons are attacking shipments and destroying machines and he isn't about to give half of their profits to the Mafia in bribes.
Woozie tells CJ he wants to offer him a share in the casino in return for some help setting it up, which Carl gladly accepts.
A short time later, one of Woozie's assistants rushes in and informs the guys they've caught someone trying to smash up one of the deliveries. Woozie wants him taken care of, but Carl wants him to be tied to the front of a car so he can make him talk.
We then cut to a scene in the garage where Carl antagonises the prisoner who is stuck to the front of a car before jumping inside.
Once the mission starts, you're in a Felzer with the Mafia henchman tied to the front. Your objective is to drive around like a mad man and scare him, without killing him with a car wreck.
Ideally, you need to drive at high speeds, perform sharp handbrake turns, stunt jumps and near misses with other traffic.
Hints & Tips
The best way to go about this mission is simply to drive to the airport, go in through the gates, then speed back and forth along the runway with a handbrake turn at each end. It shouldn't take more than a minute or so to scare him fully.
Once he's had enough excitement, he'll spill the beans that he's working for the Sindacco family, then you need to carefully drive him back to the Four Dragons Casino.
Be aware, if you decide to drive down the freeway, you'll attract a 3 star wanted level.
Interestingly, while on this mission, you can head to Fender Bender and get your car modded while he's stuck to the front.
Woozie's assistant will take over the car and drive it into the garage as Carl walks away.
Explosive Situation
Woozie is playing golf while his assistant moves the cup to catch the ball, making him think he's scoring a hole in one. Carl turns up and has a go but the assistant moves the cup causing him to miss.
Carl makes a suggestion that they should pull a heist on the Mafia run Caligula's casino, but says they'll need some explosives because you 'always gotta blow up shit to pull a heist'. Woozie remembers there's an open cast mine South West of the city limits which is sure to have some spare explosives Carl can acquire.
Grab a vehicle and make your way towards the quarry which is marked with a yellow blip on the radar. Once you arrive, park in the red marker.
Carl walks to the edge of the large quarry and looks down as we're shown a variety of construction workers planning to detonate the dynamite.
Once you're back in control of Carl, you have just over two minutes to get down to the bottom of the quarry. If you don't have a vehicle with you, the quickest way down is to grab one parked near the quarry entrance and jump down to the bottom, but if you want to be safer, just drive down the sloped paths as quickly as you can.
After approaching a box of dynamite, the game informs you that you'll need something heavy to smash open the crates, while hinting in the direction of the large dumper truck parked nearby.
Get in the big dumper truck and run over the explosive crates which are marked by a green blip on the radar. You might need to kill a few of the construction workers and security guards who will come after you. There's also a guy carrying an explosive crate with a forklift, so can kill him then get in the forklift and lower the forks to place the crate on the ground - although smashing into it with the dumper truck seems to work well enough too.
Once you've smashed all of the crates, run around on foot and pick up all four explosives which are now marked with red markers on the map.
Two security trucks arrive at the quarry entrance and the game makes it clear you're going to have to find an alternate exit. Luckily there's a Sanchez dirt bike parked nearby which you can use to drive up and jump over a variety of ramp-shaped construction equipment.
Get on the Sanchez dirt bike and follow the arrows to safety. Make your way up the first hill, then jump from the dirt mound onto the conveyor belt and follow it along onto the next roof. Drive up the next belt to the top, kill the worker who will shoot at you with a pistol, then make your way up the stairs and up the next belt.
From there, drop off to the right and work your way around the hole in the path by hugging the wall to the left, then drive up the next belt. You'll need a bit of speed here because there's a small jump you'll need to clear.
At the top, speed up the next ramp and clear the gap, then head to the South and kill the two guards who will be shooting at you by the truck.
Head through the final checkpoint and you'll be told to deliver the explosives, so follow the dirt track and jump over the nearby fence. Now just make your way back to the drop off which is marked with a yellow blip on the radar then park in the red marker.
CJ meets Woozie's assistant who is parked behind some trees just off the freeway and hands over the explosives.
The Hunter Quarry Side Missions Have Now Been Unlocked.
When you get back to Woozie you'll see there are two sets of missions available. Missions marked with the
Yellow Dragon icon are the main story missions, the missions labelled with the Green Dollar are Heist Missions.The Heist Missions are required for 100% completion, but are not required to finish the main story. I'd like my mission guide to end on the final story mission, so I'm going to switch to the Heist Missions from now on.
Casino Heist
Architectural Espionage
Carl meets Woozie in a storage room so they can discuss their secret heist plan. Carl is surprised to find Woozie standing around in the dark, but being blind, he thought he had turned the lights on.
Woozie asks Carl if he has the Caligula's Casino layout, but he doesn't, so the meeting is adjourned while he gets them.
Grab a vehicle, then make your way down the strip and find some tourists near Pirates In Men's Pants. Kill one of them and grab their Camera. Once you've got it, you'll be told to make your way to the planning department, so head to the yellow blip on the radar.
On arrival, you'll also be told security is strict and to make sure you don't have a gun in your hand when you walk in. Never switch to a gun or you'll get a wanted level.
Walk forward and speak with the receptionist. You can choose the outcome of the conversation by replying positively or negatively every time she questions you.
Eventually she'll open the door to the stairwell, so make your way back towards the main entrance and go up the stairs via the door to the right.
Once you reach the top floor, where the blueprints are located, you'll be told that a guard is in the way and you can't take photos while he's there. You need a distraction.
Go back down the stairs to the next floor down where you'll find a room containing an old air conditioning unit. Punch it a few times and it'll catch on fire. Everyone will evacuate the building, giving you a chance to pop back up to the top floor and get a photo of the blueprints.
The building security get suspicious and head to the top floor to find CJ. You'll be told you can now use weapons.
You need to escape the building. Carefully make your way down the stairs and kill the cops who will often pop around corners to shoot at you.
Once you reach the bottom head back out through the main door, grab a vehicle, ideally the one you arrived in which is parked outside, and get back to Woozie's casino before you're killed or busted. You don't need to lose your wanted level, so just head straight back to the Four Dragons Casino.
CJ gives the film to one of Woozie's guys to get developed and they drive away.
Key To Her Heart
Carl receives a card reader from Zero, but until he gets hold of a Caligula's Casino key card, there's nothing he can do with it.
You'll appear outside on foot, so grab a vehicle and make your way to Caligula's Palace Casino, then park in the red marker outside the main entrance.
The croupier leaves the casino after her shift and enters a pink car, before driving away.
You need to follow the croupier to her house in order to acquire the key card. This mission is similar to the C.R.A.S.H. mission 'Snail Trail' in San Fierro. You must follow the croupier but avoid getting too close or she'll get spooked. If you stray too far away you'll lose her.
Follow her around the Old Venturas streets and she'll eventually come to a stop at an adult entertainment store.
The croupier exits her vehicle and walks into the sex shop.
Follow her inside and make your way to the back of the store where you'll find a red marker to stand in.
The croupier changes into a kinky corset and receives a phone call before leaving the store.
Once she's gone, you'll be told to put on the Gimp Suit. Walk into the changing room to the right and stand on the clothing icon to change into it, then make your way outside.
The croupier reverses her car then drives around the corner in the direction of her house.
You'll need to tail her again. Follow her home, staying far enough behind her to avoid any suspicion. When you arrive at her place, park in the red marker across the street.
The game will tell you to keep an eye out because the gimp will be arriving soon. You need to make sure he never makes it to the house.
Keep watching the front of her house, and as soon as you see someone heading towards it - usually a bald guy carrying a dildo - kill them. Once he's dead, pick up the dildo he drops and stand in the red marker.
Carl heads inside and takes part in some bedroom activities with the croupier.
Millie is now your girlfriend. You can date her between 12:00 and 22:00 each day.
The Gimp Suit has been delivered to your wardrobe.
In order to progress the heist missions, you will need to get your progress with Millie up to roughly 35% before she will give you the key card.
You can read more about dating Millie in the bonus guide below, but essentially, you need to have about two or three successful dates with her for the key card to be unlocked.
Bonus Guide: Casino Key Card (Dating Millie)
Millie Perkins will automatically become CJ's girlfriend following completion of the mission 'Key To Her Heart'. The 'Gimp Suit' will also be unlocked and available from Carl's wardrobe at any safe house.
Although there are six girlfriends available to Carl throughout the game, Millie is the only one who must be dated at least once in order to achieve 100% completion. Dating her isn't an actual 100% objective, however receiving the key card from her is critical to unlock later heist missions which must be completed for 100%.
Millie is available to date at her house in Prickle Pine, Las Venturas from 12:00 noon to 22:00 PM each day. You can visit a nearby safe house and save the game to advance time by 6 hours to speed up the process.
In order to get the casino key card from Millie, Carl must get her progress to somewhere around 35%. It will probably take 2 or 3 successful dates to hit this mark.
A Murderous Shortcut
If you really can't be bothered with the 15-20 minutes it'll take to date Millie for the key card, it's possible to kill her while on a date. A short time later Carl will receive a phone call from Woozie telling him to pick up her key card from her house, which will now be unlocked.
I don't recommend you go down this route however, as doing so will lose Millie as a girlfriend.
Special Date
If you dress to impress and turn up for your date wearing the Gimp Suit, Carl will head straight into the house for some fun. Doing this will award 10% bonus progression so it's worth it if you're trying to get this over and done with as quickly as possible.
Gift Bonus
If you turn up for your date with a gift - such as flowers or a dildo - you can give it to Millie when she meets you outside her house. This will give an additional boost to your progress when you complete the date.
Where To Date Millie Successfully
If she wants a drink or something to eat, take her to 'The Craw Bar' in Las Venturas, marked on the map with a
cocktail glass.If she wants to dance, take her to the club near The Camel's Toe marked with a
record icon and dance her socks off.If she wants to go for a drive, take her around where she lives in Prickle Pine and stick to a medium speed.
She's easily pleased so just act normal, try not to smash up your car when driving her and ensure you don't cause her any harm.
Hints & Tips
As soon as you finish a date, head to a nearby safe house and save the game a few times to advance time. You can then head straight back out to Millie's house where she'll be available for another date providing it's between 12:00 and 22:00.
How To Get The Casino Key Card
Once Carl's progress with Millie reaches 35%+ she will call him and explain she's on board with his plans because she was promised a cut. This unlocks the key card for collection from her house.
If you decided to kill Millie on a date, collection of the key card will be unlocked from her house following a phone call from Woozie.
Either way, visit Millie's house and enter via the yellow arrow on the front door where you'll find the key card spinning around in her bedroom.
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Dam And Blast
CJ is going to shut off the power to the city to aid in their plan to break the bank at Caligula's. First you'll need to get to the airport and grab a plane as you'll be parachuting onto the dam. Make your way to the airport and enter through the gates, then drive to the runway where you'll find a parked plane. Get in it and fly to the dam. You need to be pretty damn high before you can jump, so fly around in circles while gaining altitude. When you fly through the corona, hit triangle to bail. After the cutscene, you'll be freefalling. Almost immediately hit circle to use the parachute. Point yourself towards the red circle and let yourself slowly glide to earth. Just as you approach the red circle on the ground you may need to pull back the analog stick in order to land in the right place. Once you land you'll see another cutscene telling you to sneak into the dam. You'll find a knife by some containers which you need to pick up and use for stealth kills. Crouch and walk along the dam until you reach the knife. Pick it up and use it to stealth kill the two guards. Monitor their routes using the radar and sneak up behind them. Once you've disposed of them, head up the steps and into the red circle. Now you need to sneak around this area and stealth kill the five guards. They're pretty stupid, and even if they see you, a few knife stabs will kill them before they sound the alarm. Kill them all, preferably without being seen then once they're dead, walk up to each generator and push triangle to plant your charges on them. Once you've done all 5 generators head to the exit. After the cutscene Carl will dive off the dam.
Cop Wheels
You need to steal four police bikes in order to make the casino break in look as real as possible. Your mission is to head around town and steal four police motorbikes, then drive them and attach them onto a Packer which is driving around on the freeway. There are four green dots on the radar, you need to head to each one and steal the bike found there. One will be parked near the airport. One is at a hotel, you'll need to shoot the cop off this one. Another can be found parked next to the police building, and the last one will be found outside the V-Rock hotel. You'll need to shoot the cop off this one too. The best technique is to just steal a car and make your way to the nearest green dot. Steal that then get on the freeway and follow it around until you see the Packer. Drive up at about medium speed and the bike will be attached. Then just find another car and head to another dot. You have 12 minutes to finish this mission, but you should really only need about 10. Once you've attached all four bikes you'll be dropped off near the stadium and the Packer will drive away.
Up, Up And Away!
The guys need to steal an armored truck which is usually used to transport money safely. Unfortunately the only way to get the vehicle without people noticing is to use a sky crane helicopter and lift the truck, and fly it to the airfield where it'll be sprayed. You'll need to make your way to the army refuelling plant and steal the helicopter with a large magnet attached first. Before you even move, head across the road and go to Ammunation where you will need to buy some body armor. Grab a vehicle and make your way to the most North-Eastern part of the game, well, on land anyway. As you reach the gate a Patriot will drive through. While it's open, drive in, then speed past the guards who will start shooting your car. Head to the left and bail, then go into the open hangar. Before going in, you may wish to kill the four or so people on foot before they kill you. Head into the hangar and go to the left. Jump up and climb onto the containers, then get ready to use an M4 to auto target and shoot the hell out of everything. There'll be about 10 enemies you can see from up there, as well as about 10 more in the distance which you can take out with a sniper rifle. There's some up in the rafters, and people behind all sorts of boxes. Kill them all. If you drop down and head slightly to the right you'll be able to pick up some health and body armor. Make your way to the other end of the room and get rid of any remaining army members. Head outside and auto target the dude to the right, then just around the corner, shoot the dude half way up the stairs. Make your way up the stairs, and when you do, there's a guy to kill. Dispose of him and go slowly up the rest of the stairs. Two army helicopters have been sent after you and you need to get to the minigun emplacement and get on it to shoot them down. Kill the one soldier standing by it, then run into the red circle and push triangle to get on the gun. Use it to shoot down the two helicopters, which surprisingly probably isn't as hard as that mission for Zero where you were shooting down toys, then head up to the helipad and get in the helicopter. Fly it to the depot, which is at the South East of the island. Use the right analog stick to extend the wire, then hover above the truck and pick it up. Once you have it, tilt the right analog stick forwards to lift the wire which will make it easier to avoid obstacles. Now you need to fly to the abandoned airfield and drop the vehicle in the red circle. Once you've dropped it, land in the bigger red circle.
This is all of the Heist Missions finished this far. You'll need to complete the yellow dragon missions as well as some others before you can do any more Heist Missions. To the yellow dragon!
The Triads
You've Had Your Chips
Woozie is shown some chips from the casino which are fake. He knows who is to blame, so he wants you to head to their factory unit and disturb their operation. Make your way to the factory which is marked with the yellow blip on the radar. When you arrive you'll be told that some guards are watching the front entrance. You need to get in unnoticed. The best way to do this is to jump on the bus shelter and jump over the wall. Sneak around the back and crouch all of the way until you get inside. It's probably easier and quicker just to shoot the car parked outside though, because either way, the people inside it will try to kill you. Make your way into the factory, then using a decently long ranged weapon, auto aim at all of the people on the walkway above. Kill as many as you can from the doorway, then move further into the area. Look to the left and auto aim at any people over there, then kill them. When everything looks to be dead, auto aim and shoot at the counterfeit chip machines until they are blown up. After about three of them some dudes will come through the door, so kill them and then go and blow up more. After another three or so, a car will pull into the garage and the guy inside will drive by you. You'll need to blow up the car, so manually aim for the gas tank. Once that's gone, finish off the rest of the machines, then go outside and get a car. Make your way back to the casino.
Head back to the casino and you'll automatically accept the next mission, "Don Peyote".
The Truth
Don Peyote
The Truth calls you up and basically tells you he left two people in the desert who he needs you to save. Grab a four door vehicle and make your way towards the dam area of the desert. Find the correct roads and dirt roads, and make your way up the mountain where Paul and Maccer are located. When you get there, park in the red circle and watch the extremely humorous cutscene. Afterwards you'll need a four door vehicle. If you followed my instructions you'll already have one, if not, you need to go and get one then come back. Once you do, park near the boys and they'll get in. They think members of their band will be at the snake farm so head down the mountain and make your way to the snake farm. When you get there some strange country people will try to kill you, so waste them, then get back in the car with Paul and Maccer. They want to meet up with someone called Rosie down at a casino on the strip. It's called Caligula's. Know it? Drive all the way into Las Venturas and onto the strip, then drop off the boys at Caligula's casino.
After the mission Carl will call Woozie and tell him that he can scope Caligula's without too much trouble. You will then receive a phone call from Paul telling you to come around to his office.
The Mafia's Missions Have Now Been Unlocked.
The Mafia
Intensive Care
Rosie needs you to rescue Jonny Sindacco from the hospital. He's the same dude you scared half to death, and now you're rescuing him... Anyway, grab a vehicle and get to the hospital which is a yellow blip on the radar. When you get there, drive into the red circle. After a cutscene you'll find out that Jonny has already been picked up by a different Ambulance. There are three driving across town, one of them contains him. You need to drive to each of the ambulances and smash into them to see how the driver reacts. You can just pull up to it and fire a few drive by rounds to see what happens. If the driver gets out it's the real deal, so head to another Ambulance. Drive by it and see what happens. If they speed off, chase it and drive by the vehicle about 200 times. It shouldn't blow up, but the people will bail. Kill them, then get in the Ambulance and make your way to the meat factory. You'll be chased by some mafia dudes, but the ambulance should hold more than long enough to get to the yellow blip. Once you get there, park in the red circle.
After the mission you will notice that Tenpenny has a new mission opened up. You can find it at the G on the map. We'll keep working for The Mafia for the minute though.
The Meat Business
Rosie has been persuaded to be a man and stand up for himself. Carl offers to help out, so Rosie wants you to take him to the meat factory. When the mission starts, grab a vehicle and get Rosie in too, then drive across town to the yellow blip. Upon arriving, exit the vehicle and walk through the door on foot. You'll then see two cutscenes, the first where Carl builds up Rosie's confidence, the second where you meet up with Jonny. Unfortunately he remembers you from the car scaring mission and has a heart attack, so everyone is trying to kill you. Switch to a decently long ranged weapon, such as an M4 or AK47 and auto target the five or so people who will be coming at you. Once they're dead, head towards the fire and auto aim through it. Clear out almost all of the enemies in that room, there's about five more, then Rosie will put out the fire with an extinguisher. Make your way through this room and head towards the red blips on the radar. Rosie will hide in the freezer, so make sure you kill anyone who comes close, or they'll lock him in and he'll slowly freeze to death unless you free him. Clean out the next room, then make your way into the storage room. There's only about three more people in here, mainly on the boxes, but auto aim should be able to pick them out for you. Once you kill them, make your way through the boxes and head to the exit. Before you leave you may wish to grab some health from inside Jonny's office, or some armor from inside the freezer. Exit the building through the back, then just make your way to the casino and park in the red circle.
After the mission you'll unlock another two new ones. This time it's for Madd Dogg and The Triads. Madd Dogg can be found at the D on the radar and The Triads can be found at the Yellow Dragon. We opened up Tenpenny before these missions though, so I'm going to head over there first.
Frank Tenpenny (C.R.A.S.H.)
Tenpenny needs you to take care of a DEA officer and an FBI agent with a dossier. Once they're dead he wants you to pick up the dossier. Grab a vehicle and make your way out towards the target which is indicated with a red blip on the radar. You'll undoubtedly pass the airfield, so you may wish to grab a helicopter or the jetpack and fly there, however for the sake of keeping it simple, I'm just driving there on a bike. Make your way up the mountain and head towards the meet. Speed through the blockade and you'll be told you've been spotted, and they're trying to get away. Use a machine gun and take out as many of the guards as you can in about five seconds, then run to the helicopter and get in it. You now need to fly after them in their helicopter and don't let them get away. Follow him all of the way to The Emerald Isle, even after flying over Area 69 and getting a five star wanted level. He'll park his helicopter on a helipad, then you need to get down and kill him. I just chopped him to pieces with my helicopter blades, but you could probably shoot him before he makes his way down the stairs. Once he's dead, grab the dossier and you'll lose your wanted level.
Frank Tenpenny's missions have been completed for now. Next up is The Triads.
The Triads
Fish In A Barrel
This mission is simply a cutscene where Woozie asks for CJ's and Ran Fa Li's signature's in order to be partners in the casino. After the mission you'll be outside and Rosie will call you. He'll tell you Salvatore is in town and is taking over the casino. Despite the fact we unlocked Madd Dogg before this, I'm going to head to the Casino first.
The Mafia
Don Salvatore Leone tells you that a plane is making it's way to Las Venturas with Forelli's who wish to kill him. He wants you to take care of them. When the mission starts, grab the bike and head to the airport. You'll then be instructed to get in the plane in a hangar near the end of the runway. Make your way over to it, and grab the body armor, then get in the plane and fly North. Keep gaining altitude as you'll need to be just above the cloud line to meet the plane. Keep flying towards the yellow blip, and when you get close you'll be told to get behind the plane and fly into the corona. Let the plane pass, then make a 180 and fly towards the red circle. As you fly into it a cutscene will kick in where you jump from your plane onto theirs and board it. Once you're inside you'll need perform a sort of fixed position first person shooter mode. You'll be standing in a doorway, then holding L2 or R2 will make you take cover at that side. You need to lean out and use the pistol you have with manual aim to shoot the four Forelli's in there. They'll take a lot of lead to kill, but they don't seem to do too much damage to you. Once they're all dead, the pilot will try to kill you. He takes about four shots in the chest to kill him, so finish him off, and you'll be told to land the plane at the airport. Fly towards the yellow blip and as you get close, push R3 to lower the wheels, then hold square to slow down. Stop anywhere on the runway and you'll complete the objective.
When you get out of the plane you'll get a phone call from Tenpenny telling you to meet him at Las Brujas and take the dossier from before. Seeing as this is just a single mission we'll head over to there now. My advice would be to just get in the plane and fly above the abandoned airfield, then parachute down and take a helicopter or the jetpack.
Frank Tenpenny (C.R.A.S.H.)
High Noon
After handing over the Dossier, Tenpenny will whack one of his officers with a shovel a few times and tell you to dig a grave for him. Pulaski will watch you with his gun pointed and after the hole is big enough for two he's going to kill you. The other officer gets back up and distracts Pulaski, who kills him then tries to run away. Get in the dune buggy parked right next to the cemetery then chase after Pulaski. Whenever you're close enough, drive by his car, but otherwise just stay with it and eventually you'll reach a small town. His driving is pretty bad and he'll most likely get stuck against something, so just keep popping rounds into his vehicle until it catches fire. When it does, he'll bail, then you'll need to empty probably 50 rounds into him to kill him. After he's dead you'll see a cutscene where he's killed.
If you followed the guide fully, the only mission you will have open now is Madd Dogg, so make your way over to the D on the radar.
Madd Dogg
Madd Dogg
Madd Dogg is drunk and is threatening to jump off a building. Carl cant persuade him to not jump, so you need to save him when he does. Once the mission starts, run to the blue dot on the radar, kill the dude on his phone and get the pickup truck. Drive it into the red circle. After a short cutscene you'll be placed in position below the ledge, Madd Dogg will walk along back and forth and you need to keep the back of the truck level with where he is. After a few seconds he'll jump off. During this cutscene you can still move the car so he lands in the back and if you did it right, he'll land in the boxes on your truck. If not he'll splatter on the ground and die, then you'll fail the mission. Once he's on the back of the truck he will lose a bit of health. You'll now need to drive him to the hospital. Every time you crash, he'll lose health, so you need to get there without damaging the vehicle too much. Park in the red circle and you'll pass the mission.
After getting out of the vehicle you'll receive a phone call from Rosie telling you to get back to the casino.
The Mafia's Missions Have Now Been Unlocked.
The Mafia
Saint Mark's Bistro
Salvatore needs you to get rid of the Forelli's once and for all. He wants you to fly to Liberty City and kill Forelli at his bistro. Carl says he'll need some back up and chooses Kent Paul, Maccer and Ken Rosenburg as his crew. After the cutscene Paul, Maccer and Rosie will leave town and you'll be told to get to the airport. Once you get there a message will appear telling you to get in the jet at the end of the runway and fly to Liberty City. Jump in the jet, then speed down the runway and take off. Bank left and make your way to the East. Fly really far out to sea and stay in the cloud line, and eventually you'll reach the yellow blip and be transported to Liberty City. After the cutscene you'll be inside and you've got a bunch of angry mobsters to take out. Switch weapons to something more powerful if you have one, and auto aim and kill the five or so Mafia guys in the upstairs part of the bistro. Another two will then make their way up. Kill them, and walk to the railing to the right. There's two people down there who you should be able to auto target, so kill them and go down the stairs. You'll find two people behind the bar with shotguns, so kill them both quickly then head down the stairs to the right. As you reach the bottom, a guy will roll out of the door with a sub machine gun. Pop him and head down the next stairs. Another guy will roll out into the doorway here, and one more will be inside the kitchen. Kill both of them and make your way through the kitchen to the back door. Head outside and there's four people to kill here, two guards to the right behind some boxes, one guard to the left just below you and Forelli by the car. Take the three guards out, then waste Forelli and you'll be back in the plane. Your objective is now to fly to Las Venturas Airport and land the plane. Make your way to the yellow blip on the radar and when you finally get there, head North, then turn around and head South down the runway. Bring down the landing gear and hold square, then land anywhere on the runway and come to a stop.
After the mission you'll receive a phone call from Sweet. He seems pretty depressed that he's going to be in prison for life. Carl says he's getting him out soon. Salvatore will then call and thank you for the job in Liberty City. He thinks people will get suspicious if you keep hanging around him, so he says no more jobs until he calls you. Woozie will then call you and basically tell you the Heist Missions are back on providing you got the key card previously from Millie.
The Triads Missions Have Now Been Unlocked.
The Heist Missions Have Now Been Unlocked.
Seeing as the Heist Missions are not required to finish the story, we'll do those now to get them out of the way.
Casino Heist
Breaking The Bank At Caligula's
This is it. You've been planning it for a few missions and it's time to carry out the robbery at Caligula's. Once the mission starts, grab a vehicle and make your way to Caligula's Casino. Switch weapons to just the fists to be on the safe side, then enter. After the short cutscene, make your way to the far right of the casino where you'll find the employee swipe card door. After that short cutscene you'll be asked to use the card, so push triangle and open the door. Make your way down the stairs and go in the first open room you come to. Make your way to the back of this room and switch weapons to the tear gas. Throw it into the open vent and a cutscene will kick in where the guards below get knocked out. Once that's done, head out of that room and go to the left. Switch weapons to the night vision goggles and then follow the hall way to the left. Zero will turn off the power, so the lights will go off too, and you'll need them to see where you're going. When you reach the end of the hall way use the swipe card to open the door then head through the next few rooms. You'll eventually come to a large space with some boxes. This is where the van will park, however you need to open the door first. Run to the right and get in the Forklift, then drive back to the door place and lower the fork. Drive right up to the door, then push the right analog stick up and the door should be lifted too. A cutscene will kick in and the guys will make their way down in the truck. Once they are ready, head through the door and back the same way you came before. There'll be about fifteen guards waiting for you, so head in first and take them out. If you have an M4 and know how to auto aim and switch targets it should be no trouble at all. Head through and kill all of the red dots on the radar, then the guys will lead you down to the safe. Once you get there, grab the satchel charges from one of the knocked out guards, then you'll be told that someone is trying to bring the generators back up. Head upstairs and kill the two guards then throw a satchel on each generator. Head back downstairs, or just get out of the way and use your detonator to blow them up. Once that's done get back to the safe and a cutscene will once again start where you break into it. Woozie's guys will get the money, and you can grab some armor. Afterwards four Mafia guys will head down the stairs and you need to kill them. Shoot the two in the middle of the floor, then the one behind the left and one behind the right pillar. Two more will come down the stairs, so waste them, then you'll be told to lead the team to safety. Head back up the stairs and through the halls you went through before, only this time kill all of the red dots on the radar. Same technique here works fine, just aim, shoot, switch, shoot over and over till everyone is dead. Once they are, run to the yellow blip and another cutscene will start. The guys will leave, and you need to get to the rooftop. There's an elevator back the way you came, so head out and along. Just a short way in, the lights will come back on and you'll not need the night vision goggles. Kill the guards as you make your way to the objective, and when you get to the elevator, stand in the red circle. You'll then be taken upstairs and ordered to go onto the roof. Head to the right and kill the guard coming for you, then head up the stairs. As you turn the corner you'll want to auto aim and kill the guard there, then climb the rest of the steps and go through the door onto the roof. When you get up there you'll be chased by a police helicopter full of armed swat guys. Use an M4 or whatever and kill them, then make your way across the rooftops and grab the parachute. No matter what you do, you'll never make it onto the rooftop to get away in the helicopter, so land on the road and get a vehicle. Make your way to the airfield and park in the red circle when you get there.
The Croupier Outfit Has Been Delivered To Your Wardrobe.
After the mission you'll receive a phone call from Salvatore telling you he's going to kill you. Carl just says he's busy spending money on expensive trash. Head inside the Casino and start the yellow dragon missions once again.
The Triads
A Home In The Hills
The guys are auditioning a midget... Err... A person of reduced stature I mean, and Kendl wants to get some real talent in there. Almost instantly, Madd Dogg walks through the door, and after a lengthy discussion, he tells CJ he wants to go home. Unfortunately his home now belongs to a drug dealer, so you and The Triads will need to earn it back. You'll start the mission in a plane and will then parachute out of it above the Vinewood sign. Just after you parachute, keep hitting circle so that you open it as soon as possible. Once you do, hold down on the left analog stick so you pull back and end up moving forwards. You'll then want to hold down and release it so you can land as close to the middle of the helipad as possible. If you miss it, head around the back of the building, jump over the fence, then follow the building around until you come to a ramp leading to the roof. Once you get up there you should head over to the metal things and use them as cover. Waves and waves of Vagos will make their way onto the roof, and you need to keep it safe while the other Triads parachute into the area. Keep aiming and switching targets, and keep shooting until they are all dead and the other Triads have made it. You'll find some armor next to the metal vent things if you need it. Once The Triads are there, kill the last few lots of Vagos, then take your squad down and into the building. During the cutscene one of the dudes will be killed, so auto aim into the bush and kill his killer, then hit R2 while aiming and kill the next dude hidden in the bush. Two more will come through the door, so switch target to them and kill them. Head into the next area and kill all of the people you see in the hall way. Then head into each room and kill the one or two people in there. Go back out into the hall way and kill the people at the end. Do this until you've cleared out all of the rooms, then head to the end of the hall way and get onto the balcony. Stay there and shoot at everyone you can see. Wait for a few seconds and some more people should come. Once you seem to have killed them all, head down the stairs and go to the right. You can kill the people to the left and grab some health, but when you go to the right you'll see Big Poppa. Chase after him through the mansion. You really don't have to sprint. You can't kill him yet anyway, and nothing will happen if you walk, so just make your way through slowly and kill his guards. Make your way out the back door and a cutscene will show him jump in a car and try to drive away. Quickly run over to the parked car and follow him out of the mansion car park, he'll head to he right and follow the road down past the Vinewood sign. Chase after him and drive by his car until he's gone. It won't take too much before his car blows up from drive by's and you'll pass the mission. Don't lose him or you'll fail. It doesn't take too much to lose him either. Get more than about ten car lengths away and you'll be in danger.
When you get out of your vehicle you'll receive a phone call from Ken Rosenburg, after a bit of chatter, Carl invites Ken and Rosie to the mansion.
Carl Johnson's Missions Have Now Been Unlocked.
Head back up to the mansion to accept another mission.