Oyster Locations Map & Guide
In previous GTA games, players collected Hidden Packages to unlock money and weapons. GTA San Andreas is significantly larger than its predecessors and introduces a plethora of new collectible types.
There are 250 collectible items altogether and 50 of them are oysters which can be found in the waters all around the state of San Andreas.
I strongly recommend you work through the oysters in numerical order and don't skip ahead so that you can check them off as you go. It's very time consuming go through every location again to find one you've missed.
Oyster Locations Map
Click on a number to display a pop-up showing a screenshot of the location.
If you'd prefer to view the map on a separate page, click the thumbnail below.
When viewing the map, remember you can click on a number to display a pop-up showing a screenshot of the location.

Oyster Locations Guide
Oyster #1
Los Santos - In the water at the end of the pier sticking out of the beach to the East.
Oyster #2
Los Santos - In the water next to a concrete dock, directly in line with some stairs.
Oyster #3
Los Santos - Under the bridge which crosses the docks area from West to East. It looks more like a road than a bridge on the radar / map.
Oyster #4
Los Santos - In the water under a bridge directly East of the airport runway.
Oyster #5
Los Santos - South-West of the airport and the beach that hugs the coastline. It can be a little bit tricky to find as there aren't many notable landmarks to look for.
Oyster #6
Los Santos - Hidden amongst seaweed and rocks in the water near the road tunnel to the West of the airport.
Oyster #7
Los Santos - Under a wooden pedestrian bridge which crosses a river in the middle of the beach.
Oyster #8
Los Santos - In the water right at the end of the pier with a lighthouse at the West end of the beach.
Oyster #9
Los Santos - In the water under a large stone arch bridge with a road on top.
Oyster #10
Glen Park, Los Santos - Directly in the centre of the lake in Glen Park.
Oyster #11
Los Santos - Floating in the outdoor pool at Madd Dogg's Crib.
Oyster #12
Los Santos - In the water right at the end of the wooden pier with a wheelchair casually parked on it.
Oyster #13
Los Santos - Under the second most Northern bridge. It's the one without a large concrete pillar in the middle.
Oyster #14
Los Santos - Reasonably deep alongside the large concrete support pillars for the red rail bridge. You'll find it on the North side of the 3rd most Northern concrete pillar as you head towards Las Venturas.
Oyster #15
Los Santos - In the water under a wooden bridge.
Oyster #16
Los Santos - Fairly deep in the water under a large concrete road bridge.
Oyster #17
Los Santos - In the water under another bridge, down the river and around the corner from the rail bridge.
Oyster #18
Los Santos - Under the rail bridge, marked with a red line on the map / radar.
Oyster #19
Los Santos - Reasonably deep in the water between the concrete pillars which hold up the freeway.
Oyster #20
Los Santos - In the corner of the water next to the main road. It's positioned where two parts of land are merged together between stone and sand.
Oyster #21
Countryside - Directly under the huge, tall road bridge that crosses a large gap at the entrance to the river.
Oyster #22
Countryside - In shallow water under a basic wooden bridge with wooden pillars holding it up.
Oyster #23
Countryside - Under the main road bridge which leads North East from Mount Chiliad.
Oyster #24
Countryside - Fairly deep in the water under the large bridge at the West of the map, between Mount Chiliad and San Fierro.
Oyster #25
San Fierro - In a small lake next to the freeway, at the bottom of some large hills.
Oyster #26
San Fierro - In the water behind the large import/export ship, slightly North of the airport runway. You'll see a yellow crane nearby.
Oyster #27
San Fierro - In the water right at the end of the airport runway.
Oyster #28
Countryside - Reasonably deep off the coast of the countryside. If you see a bridge / tunnel with a dirt path going through it, the oyster is directly in line with that dirt path if you're facing it to the East.
Oyster #29
San Fierro - Inside the middle dry dock at the naval base. You'll get an automatic 4 star wanted level for going in here so expect to take some damage.
Oyster #30
San Fierro - Quite deep, right behind the large military ship moored next to the naval base. You'll get a 4 star wanted level when trying to get this and will most likely be killed by the police helicopter before you can swim to freedom.
Oyster #31
San Fierro - Between the pillars which hold up the main road bridge between San Fierro and the desert.
Oyster #32
San Fierro - Under the water at the West-end of a ship moored in the bay. This is the same ship you'll visit during Wu Zi Mu's mission 'Amphibious Assault'.
Oyster #33
San Fierro - At the West-end of the other large ship moored in the bay. This one is near the red Gant bridge.
Oyster #34
San Fierro - At the base of the Gant bridge, in the water next to the first support pillar, closest to San Fierro. Pretty close to Jizzy's Pleasure Domes.
Oyster #35
San Fierro - At the North end of the Gant bridge, between the cliffs and the most Northern concrete support pillar.
Oyster #36
Desert - In the water near a small beach directly East of the Boat School.
Oyster #37
Desert - In the water just off the freeway next to a multi-colored stone wall.
Oyster #38
Desert - Under a bridge just to the South of the save point at Toreno's Ranch.
Oyster #39
Desert - In the small dry dock down from Toreno's Ranch.
Oyster #40
Desert - Under the bridge north of Toreno's Ranch.
Oyster #41
Desert - In the water to the Western-end of the footbridges of the dam.
Oyster #42
Desert - Under the large and high bridge which connects two parts of the desert to the West of the dam.
Oyster #43
Desert - Parallel to a wooden pier, in the water North from the dam. It's not right at the end of the pier, it's a fair distance away.
Oyster #44
Desert - In the water to the North of San Andreas. There's a dark brown line on the map to the North of a train tunnel.
Oyster #45
Las Venturas - In the water in front of the waterfall outside the Visage casino.
Oyster #46
Las Venturas - In the water directly in front of the large stone skull next to Pirates in Men's Pants.
Oyster #47
Las Venturas - Floating in a shallow pool to the East side of Las Venturas.
Oyster #48
Las Venturas - Floating in the corner of the Northern pool of water next to Come-A-Lot casino.
Oyster #49
Las Venturas - Floating in the pool behind the V-Rock Hotel.
Oyster #50
Las Venturas - At the very North-East of the map. Look for a fishing boat moored off the coast. The oyster can be found reasonably deep to the North end of this boat.
Each oyster will reward CJ with $100 when collected.
Once you've collected all 50 Oysters around San Andreas, you'll receive a $100,000 cash reward. In addition, your Lung Capacity stat will be increased to the maximum allowing you to swim under water for longer.
Collecting all oysters also provides an extra perk whereby all girlfriends will accept CJ regardless of his appearance of sex appeal stat. CJ will also be able to revive dead girlfriends and get back together with any who have dumped him.