
Driving School

The Driving School is located in San Fierro and will be unlocked after you complete the mission "Deconstruction" for the garage.

Jethro will call you and tell you where it's located. You'll find it just to the South of the garage, directly across the road from the Doherty safe house, with a small parking lot in front of the main doorway.

The Driving School is marked with a red 'S' on the map.

Driving School Essentials

The Driving School requires 12* reasonably small vehicle-related tests to be completed with at least a bronze certificate.

* The 'Spin And Go' test was removed from mobile versions of the game and is therefore not required.

You will need to score over 70% on each objective to complete the driving school, however getting a better rating will improve your driving skill and will allow you to unlock special vehicles.

This guide will try to explain the best techniques to get a Gold medal for all of the objectives.

Special thanks to Icey for some assistance in putting together this guide.

Hints & Tips

In newer versions of the game, such as the Trilogy and Definitive Edition, a number of the driving school challenges were made much easier than in the original game. If you follow the instructions below, you should be able to get gold regardless of your game version.


Completing all of the objectives with at least Bronze will unlock the Super GT.

Completing all of the objectives with at least Silver will unlock the Bullet.

Completing all of the objectives with Gold will unlock the Hotknife.

Quick Links

The 360


Use the rear wheel drive car to do a burnout donut.

Vehicle Given



This one is pretty quick and simple, as you'd expect with the first lesson in the driving school.

All you need to do is hold down accelerate and brake at the same time, then steer to the left or right and let the car spin around 360°, then try to stop it in the exact place you started.

It's a bit tricky to get the hang of at first, but after a few attempts, you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Stopping with about 3 seconds remaining should put you almost right in the center of the required spot.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

The 360 - Screenshot 1 The 360 - Screenshot 2 The 360 - Screenshot 3

The 180


To do a 180, accelerate to top speed, press R1 to handbrake around the cone and then return.

Vehicle Given

Blista Compact


This one isn't too challenging either. You'll need to speed forwards, aiming slightly to the left or right, whichever you prefer, then press the correct button to perform a handbrake turn as you pass the last cone.

Speed back towards the start and line your self up with the middle cone, then try to stop right in the middle of the "square" end-zone of cones.

It'll take a few tries, but once you get used to how the car handles, you'll be able to make better judgements on when to brake in order to stop in time.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

The 180 - Screenshot 1 The 180 - Screenshot 2 The 180 - Screenshot 3

Whip And Terminate


Powerslide around a tight corner and stop in the allocated area.

Vehicle Given



This is very easy indeed. Speed forwards until just before you get to the oil stain on the floor, then release the gas and glide around the corner while tapping the handbrake to slide.

Then just hold accelerate when you're straight and position yourself up with the middle of the end-zone.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

Whip And Terminate - Screenshot 1 Whip And Terminate - Screenshot 2 Whip And Terminate - Screenshot 3

Pop And Control


Drive to the end of the track, a tire will blow out half way there. For extra control, release the accelerate button.

Vehicle Given

Police (SF)


If you've been used to driving with popped tires, perhaps with experience from GTA Vice City, this shouldn't really be too much trouble.

Speed straight towards the stinger (spike strip), then as soon as your tires pop, let go of accelerate and let the car glide to the right.

You may have to tap accelerate once or twice here, then angle it back over to the left and try to position it in between the cones.

You'll run out of time almost just as you stop so ensure you're in the correct position.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

Pop And Control - Screenshot 1 Pop And Control - Screenshot 2

Burn And Lap

Hints & Tips

In the Definitive Edition of the game, this challenge only requires 3 laps and the time limit is much easier to achieve. 22 seconds is good enough for gold.


Do 5 laps in as quick a time as possible. Target time is under 40 seconds.

Vehicle Given



This is arguably the hardest objective at the driving school, so don't be too disheartened if you struggle.

You need to make pretty much 5 perfect laps around the small track without crashing into any cones or spinning out of control.

For gold you'll need to finish it in under 36 seconds, which is really only possible if you bend the rules a bit!

Very gently knocking over a cone or nudging it out of the way will not give you a damage penalty, but smashing it completely will.

If you carefully make a sharp corner, you can sometimes knock the end cones slightly inwards, which makes the actual course a bit smaller.

You'll still have to handbrake at the right time in order to turn as sharply as possible, but the overturned cones can take about half a second off each lap.

When skidding around the corner use a combination of the handbrake and regular brake which will keep you from spinning out, then hold accelerate as soon as you're round, before skidding again at the next corner.

You really need to keep attempting this until you get a perfect run, and if you actually manage it, pray that you do it in less than 36 seconds for gold.

This one was probably the only school mission out of them all which I actually got frustrated with and couldn't get gold for a long time.

Gold Medal Criteria
Overall Time Less Than 36s
Final Time Less Than 36s
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

Burn And Lap - Screenshot 1 Burn And Lap - Screenshot 2 Burn And Lap - Screenshot 3

Cone Coil


Weave through the cones quickly and then return to the start position.

Vehicle Given



This is a nice break after having to do the previous objective.

All you'll need to do is head slightly to the left and right as you drive forward.

After that, make a 180 around the cone at the bottom and do the same back to the start where you'll need to stop in the middle of the end-zone.

This really just combines some of the previous objectives into one.

When weaving through the cones, try to keep the corners sharp and narrowly avoid the cones to save time.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

Cone Coil - Screenshot 1 Cone Coil - Screenshot 2 Cone Coil - Screenshot 3

The '90'


To do a 90, slide the car sideways into the parking space within five seconds.

Vehicle Given



This is pretty difficult and will probably require a bit of luck to get perfect, but it's not too difficult to complete with at least Bronze.

You'll need to speed directly towards the car to the right or left, whichever you find easiest.

I'd advise speeding right towards the center of your preferred car then just as you reach the oil stains on the ground let go of accelerate, then about half a second later, hold the handbrake skid and try to guide the car into the gap.

You'll really just have to keep trying until you get the hang of it, but driving out to the side to narrow the angle can make it a little bit easier.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

The 90 - Screenshot 1 The 90 - Screenshot 2 The 90 - Screenshot 3

Wheelie Weave


Keep the car on two wheels until the end of the track.

Vehicle Given



While this may look like a difficult task, there is a technique to it.

Granted you'll really need luck to get the car to land facing the right way, but instead of holding accelerate while you try to balance out the car, just tap it.

This will improve the balance of the vehicle and it will make it easier for you to try to level out the car before all of the wheels hit the ground.

If you hit the ramp at the right angle you should be able to carry all of the way to the red circle where you can use the handbrake to stop.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

Wheelie Weave - Screenshot 1 Wheelie Weave - Screenshot 2 Wheelie Weave - Screenshot 3

Spin And Go

For some reason the 'Spin And Go' Driving School Test has been removed from the Definitive Edition of the game. Info below is for the original version of the game.


Use the front wheel drive car to reverse then quickly spin around 180 degrees. Press L2 and R2 together to look behind.

Vehicle Given



All you need to do is hold the correct buttons to look behind, then reverse.

Just as you reach the oil stains on the ground, hold left or right and let the car spin around 180°, then try to stop before you hit the cones.

Then just drive a few meters forward and stop in the middle of the cones.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

P.I.T. Maneuver


Perform a P.I.T. Maneuver to spin the other car around with minimum damage. Finish as close to the other car as possible.

Vehicle Given

Police (SF)


Watch the short movie before starting the lesson and you'll see just what you're going to do.

Accelerate to the left side of the speeding police car, then just as the front of your car is level with the back tire of the fleeing car, make a sharp right and nudge the tail end of the vehicle.

If you do it right, the car will spin around right in front of you, then you'll need to continue using your car to spin the vehicle around by holding left as you accelerate.

Once it's gone all of the way around you'll need to pull to the right and try to stop with the front of your car touching the back of the other one.

When actually making contact with the car, make sure you're pretty much just pushing its back-end out, not smashing into it because you can't do any damage to the vehicle for gold.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

P.I.T. Maneuver - Screenshot 1 P.I.T. Maneuver - Screenshot 2

Alley Oop


Do a barrel roll in mid air and land it perfectly. While in the air, release the accelerate button and move the left analog stick to adjust the car's pitch.

Vehicle Given



This is another lesson which is pretty straight forward.

You just need to accelerate towards the ramp, get your two left or right wheels off the side of the ramp and then let go of accelerate when you're in the air.

Hold the analog stick to roll the car and try to land it in the with the same heading that you started.

It doesn't matter how far you go providing you actually land completely straight.

If you land badly and roll your car, the damage to increase to 100%.

Gold Medal Criteria
Final Heading 100%
Final Position 100%
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

Alley Oop - Screenshot 1 Alley Oop - Screenshot 2 Alley Oop - Screenshot 3

City Slicking


Drive to the other side of the city and back without damaging the car. The target time is UNDER 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Vehicle Given

Super GT


From the start, head off to the right and follow the road down past the garage.

Stay in the middle of the tram tracks and keep going all of the way until you get to the top of the steep-ish hill.

Make a right at the top of the hill and cut the corner then head down the slope and make a left.

You'll need to brake here and go down the steep, curving street where you'll be able to grab the checkpoint.

From here head out to the right and speed along the relatively easy road under the bridges and towards the docks at Easter Basin.

Make your way around the corner and pass the Xoomer Gas Station, then cut across the grass just past that and get back onto the road.

Follow the road and enter the tunnel to the left, then follow it all of the way back up to the main road, avoiding any traffic.

Get back on the tram tracks and speed along past the garage again, then reach the top of the hill and take a right into the checkpoint.

This challenge is easily possible in under 120 seconds, but to get the gold medal you'll need under 100 seconds and absolutely no damage.

If you're going for gold and you have even a minor collision, you might as well quit out and start over.

You'll probably have to try this a few times until you get lucky with the traffic, but once you know the best route to take the main challenge is just avoiding collisions with other traffic.

Gold Medal Criteria
Overall Time Less Than 100s
Final Time Less Than 100s
Damage Penalty -0%
Overall Score 100%

City Slicking - Screenshot 1 City Slicking - Screenshot 2 City Slicking - Screenshot 3 City Slicking - Screenshot 4

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